Indigenous Cultural Safety

Arcus leaders and staff work to recognize their role in uprooting colonial systems of marginalization, discrimination in Indigenous-specific racism. Hear what our graduates learned in their SanYas training.

  • I learnt about my own background/privilege and how it shapes the way I see the world. This opened my eye to the importance of cultural competency and how deeply racisms have affected all.

    This will help in better understanding and respecting different cultural values, beliefs and practice. There are many areas where, I will be able to better supports others as it opened my eyes to so much.

  • I learnt how deep into our systems racism has affected care far beyond what I had realized. How colonization has affected our institutions from the ground up and is still prevalent in our lives.

    Within Arcus this helps me to stay aware and ahead of internalized bias and greater understanding of struggles Indigenous people and interactions within healthcare.

  • I really had my eyes opened up to the atrocities that were committed against the Indigenous peoples.

    Education is key for me to eliminate any potential barriers or obstacles that may arise when working with any culturally sensitive individual.

  • This course opened my eyes to how widespread Aboriginal discrimination is, even among highly educated professionals who deal with the public. There is no place for stereotypes and discrimination in our society and must be opposed when it arises.

    I am determined to be as mindful as possible in the workplace to ensure that no bias against an aboriginal people goes unopposed.

  • I learned how deeply systematic racism and colonization affected Indigenous people in so many aspects of their lives. I was surprised to learn the severity of racism and bias in the healthcare system towards Indigenous people that continues to this day.

    This training helps provide a better understanding of different cultural beliefs and values. I feel the resources and education provided will help me in being more culturally aware in the workplace, therefore a stronger advocate, caregiver, and team member.

  • This course blows my mind! We are in the 21st century, I couldn't believe the discrimination that Indigenous people have to go through in the health system.

    I will be more sensitive when I work with Indigenous people and try to eliminate the bias.

  • My Papa was Metis and not proud of it.  He never really spoke about it and I was always confused as to why.  This training made it all make sense.  I thought I knew so much about residential schools and Indian hospitals but I learned so much more. I felt myself feeling angry that our government could do this.

    Going forward, understanding the extent of racism, challenges in the medical system and the other negative effects of colonialism that Indigenous people face daily, will help me to be a better care giver and advocate.

  • I was surprised to learn about Indian Hospitals and the devastating legacy still present in Canada's health care system today. Many Indigenous people are made to feel they are not worthy of health care and they don't deserve to take up beds in hospitals.

    I believe I am better informed of potential bias and have a greater understanding/knowledge of the Indigenous peoples. I will be more mindful of how I interact and work with Indigenous people.

  • I thought I was aware of racism towards the Indigineous people prior to taking the course.  Well, was I in for a shock!!  I had no idea to what extent colonization affected every aspect of their lives.  I can’t even fathom the thought of not knowing what happened to my loved ones if they were forcibly taken away from me.  Yet, Indigenous peoples had no choice but to watch them be taken away and left with no answers when they didn’t come back. The racism shown by health care professionals in this day and age is appalling. 

    This training has made me aware of how I should be more empathetic towards my individual and his family now that I know more of the history. 

  • I learned that what happened during colonization was far deeper reaching than what most people realize. This effected virtually every aspect of their lives and will take generations to heal.

    The course has changed the way I view things because I previously always made of point of treating everyone equally. I now feel like I need to be more culturally aware in every part of my life.

  • This course help me in better understanding and respecting all different cultural values and beliefs and practices. This course open my eyes the discrimination that Indigenous people have to go through in the health system.

    I will be able to help and support others as I know more of the history.